The C Programming LanguageThis page is a collection of links related to the C programming language. PeopleBrian W. Kernighan Free CompilersGNU C Compiler: The most famous and
widely used at present. Primarly for Unix and Unix-like platforms. ReferencesDinkum C Library Reference BooksThe C Programming Language, Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie, Prentice-Hall Publishing: The original book that introduced the C programming language. Popularly known as K&R. The Practice of Programming, Brian W. Kernighan & Rob Pike, Addison-Wesley, Inc. Elements of Programming Style, Brian W. Kernighan & PJ Plauger The Standard C Library, PJ Plauger Standard C: A Reference, PJ Plauger & Jim Brodie The Practice of Programming, Brian W. Kernighan & Rob Pike C: A Reference Manual, Samuel P. Harbison & Guy L. Steele Interesting ArticlesHistory of development of the C programming language
TutorialsDebugging and Analyzing C and C++ Programs ProgrammingHenry Spencer's Ten Commandments for C Programmers Splint is a sophisticated lint program that also checks for security vulnerabilities in C code Vault is a safe version of the C language being developed at Microsoft Research Information about a whole bunch of code comprehension tools is here Toolscinclude2dot (old, new): Generates a graph of the #include relationships within a C source tree using graphviz Doxygen: Generate documentation from source code Source code comprehension tools MiscellaneousA wonderful collection of links and information is here The International Obfuscated C Code Contest J. Blustein's C Programming Language Resources
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